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Managing internal weather ๐ŸŒงโ˜€๏ธ

I came back from a working holiday in the Cape last week.

I found my mood less than ideal in some of the last few days... so I've been processing what that was about. While I still loved and am grateful for the time away, it served as a stark reminder that it's not what's going on around us but rather inside us that affects our emotions. And, thankfully, that tends to be within our control. I have recognised things I'll try to bring to mind sooner next time - and noting them down here because I have noticed these before and inevitably keep forgetting ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿค—. There's absolutely grace for that and hoping that these reflections might help you in some way too.

The rainy, windy weather meant that I could not leave the house as freely as I would've liked. Now in hindsight I see the myriad of ways I could have altered my response to an unforeseen situation.

Like simply move more! Movement always causes a profound shift in my mood. Have you noticed this for yourself too?

We can remind ourselves- the storm will end. Personally, I recognise it more readily when facing physical, relational, emotional (...) challenges. When it comes in different forms, this time literal weather!, we may be slow to recognise it.

Practice gratitude! Look for the light (even when it's not as physically present).

A helpful and fav Viktor Frankl quote I've often shared with clients- "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

We can absolutely widen that space in a variety of ways, most of which include methods of mindful awareness. It is when we are aware of what's happening inside of us that we're able to choose a meaningful response.

Unbelievably yet predictably, the weather cleared for the last two days and so did my mood. I set the intention to recover the time and remind myself of the good - precious time with family, the recent ease of longgg road trips, my late intro Wordle ๐Ÿ˜Š - and do things that the sunshine allowed- long walks and views and random glimmers (see pics below).

Can you at all relate? Can you name a time your internal weather wasn't serving you? Or do you find yourself needing insight or assistance in navigating troubles you've noticed recently?

I'd love to hear about it. You can reach out to me here.

Wishing you sunny skies and otherwise manageable conditions (internal & external),

P.S. Remember to check out the online store for downloadable resources ๐Ÿคฉ๐ŸŒฑ You can find them here.

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